Just a few tips... *for ease of reading, we recommend reviewing this page via your desktop* When contacting us, please allow 24-48hrs for a response! 1. Please add [email protected] to your contacts list so that you don't miss our email response. 2. We conduct our initial consultations via telephone normally on Tuesdays & Thursdays. 3. Please note that should you choose to move forward as a Bossed Client, there is a non-refundable Services Reservation Fee that will need to be paid prior to any work beginning on your project.
We look forward to the possibility of adding you to our client roster, and we sincerely appreciate you considering Bossed Events, LLC for your event needs!
~The Bossed Crew
1. Do I have to have a large budget for Bossed Events to take on my event? No. We work with all types of event budgets to help you make your day special. We will disuss the scope of your event and give you our honest, candid & professional assesment regarding the budget you have set for your event.
2. Why should I hire a wedding planner? Formanycouples,thisistheirveryfirsttimeplanningawedding.Theyareconfusedastowheretobegin,howmucheverything shouldcost,andhowtochoosevendorsthatarethebestfitforthem.Planningaweddingisnotonlyaboutchoosingyourcolors, flowers,bridalpartyattireandmenu.Therearelogisticalmatterstoattendto,suchas,thetimingofevents,parkingsituations,wherethecaketableistobeplacedandknowingwhichvendorsarereputable.Weareheretoguideyouandtotakecareofallofthese concerns.Weareabletohelpsaveyoutime,moneyand,perhapsmostimportantly,yoursanitysoyoucanenjoyyourweddingday!
3. My venue has a coordinator. Do I still need a wedding planner or day-of-coordinator? Avenuecoordinator&aweddingplannerorday-of-coordinatordoverydifferentthings.Whileitistruethatavenuecoordinatorandaday-of-coordinatorwillhavesomeoverlapthereisstillanaddedvaluetohavingbothavenuecoordinatorandaweddingplanner.
4. What types of weddings do you accommodate? ALL-Civil,LGBT,Military,Eco-Friendly/Green,Destination,DoubleWedding, Vow Renewals. Younameitwewillaccommodate.
5. What Additional Services do you offer? Anniversaries, Birthdays,BridalShowers,ProposalCoordination,EngagementParties,HolidayParties, Church Banquets & Programs, Family Reunions, Corporate events,andanyeventthatrelatestofamily,friends, love and communitybetweenpeople.
6. Do you charge for an initial consultation? No,ourinitialconsultationiscomplementary.Weliketotakethistimetogettoknowyou&ensurethatwe'rethebestfitforyour needs.Wewanttomakesurethatyoufeelcomfortabletrustingustotendtothedetailsonyourbigday!
7. Do you charge a flat rate for your services, or a percentage based on the budget? Wechargeaflatrateforourservices.Itisourbeliefthatyoushouldn'thavetopaymoreforourservicessimplybecauseyouhavea largerbudget.Ifyoudecidetoworkwithusandwishtoaddadditionalservicesthoseadditionalservicesareeitherpricedalacarte byserviceorwehavetheoptionofasethourlyrate.
8. How much communication will we have? There is no limit on email or phone comminucation. You can email, call or text as much & as often as you need. However, my response time varies depending on the BOSSed Events Package that you choose. It is our policy to respond to all messages with in 24 business hours. Our goal is to ensure you are always in the loop, feeling heard & feeling confident in the proceedings.
9. Will you be at my wedding / event? Absolutely! Your coordinator will be the person you see most on your event day. Our level of involvement also depends upon which Bossed Events Package you have purchased. We may have an assistant, or several with us as well, but your Bossed Coordinator will be the go-to person overseeing the details prior to and after your event.
10. What will you wear to my wedding / event? AllBossed Eventsstaffwillarriveinprofessionalblack & white attire. If possible we do attempt to ensure that we add one of your event colors as an accent to our attire.
11. Will you eat, drink & dance during the reception? How comfortable will you make yourself? Since most events tend to be an 8-12 hour day, at least 2 vendor meals provided at you event would be appreciated. However, we are there to do a job, therefore we will absolutely NOT be drinking any alcohol, nor will we join in your guest activities. Unless you extend the invitation, or need us to help stir up some excitment on the dance floor! :-)
12. What do you do during the reception when you're done coordinating our ceremony, dances, cake cutting, etc? Onceourlogisticaldutiesarefulfilled,wethenactasanextensionofstafftotheremaingvendors.Oftentimesweareassistingthecaterersduringthe receptionbefore,afterorinbetweendances,cakecutting,thebouquettoss,ect. If time permits we may help clear plates and refill water glasses. Ultimately we are watching the clock to ensure that your event flows naturally without any awkward lags or hiccups. Ultimately, our work is never "done"!